It’s still a brand new year and I choose to start with this blog post “HOW TO CREATE AN AMAZING LIFE AND GET RESULT“. In my opinion, I think “NOW” is the right time to plan the year; if you haven’t done so. No doubt 2023 came with so many uncertainties, so much ups and down. 2023 stated very rough for me. Even though I had money coming into my bank account on monthly basics (my salaries); I found myself struggling with self identity, purpose and direction… I found myself struggling with depression.

It was really tough at the beginning of that year because I was busy trying to please others. Trying so hard to get their validation. But the more I tried to please them, the more I lose myself. I was really stressed out and depressed … until I made up my mind to set things right in my life.

The experience, the lessons I learnt in that year made me to start working on “how to create an amazing life” and this motivated me to put in the work and start achieving beautiful things in my life and this Blog Website is one of my achievements in that year. I made up my mind to first live for me (this is not me trying to be selfish here).  I made up my mind not to be a people’s pleaser but to follow my heart and do that which I know is right. Life is what you make of it.

how to create an amazing life


  1. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT: If you are not happy with the way things are going in your life, then it time to take action. It’s time to sit yourself down and ask yourself so many life questions: is this really what you want from life? Is this what you want from that relationship? Is this what you want from that job? Is this how you want people to talk to you. Is this all you can be in life…All these QUESTIONS  and much more needs to be answered by you. When you get the answers to these questions , this is the beginning of the best of you.
  2. DON’T BE AFRIAD TO LOVE YOURSLF: Loving yourself will make you treat yourself well. Loving yourself will make you laugh more. And you know what the bible says about laughter… Laughter does good like medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
  3. TAKE OUT THINGS YOU  DON’T NEED FROM YOUR HOUSE. This will make it easier to clean your house, your space. Decluttering your house will make it easier to clean and a clean space will make you happy and more productive.
  4. MAP OUT WAYS TO MAKE MORE MONEY: More money in your account will certainly give you the confidence and financial security. So work on you finance. If you don’t have a side business, then get a stable job in order to be sure of getting monthly salaries.
  5. TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH: This will give you the strength to keep being productive.
  6. SET A HEALTHY BOUNDARY: Do not give anyone the power to talk to you anyhow. I believe you are an adult. So, teach people how to treat you right. Stress and depression is real. Don’t let anyone stress you, use you…so selfish people derives pleasure in using you and when they can’t get any more from you, they abandon you.
  7. EAT RIGHT AND DRINK PLENTY OF WATER: This will help you maintain a healthy body and well hydrated body.
  8. DON’T BE LAZY: The year has started. Make everyday count. If you want to achieve amazing result in this year; then,”START NOW”. Start that business now, start that YouTube channel now, start that blog now. Start that side hustle now… get that job now, change that mindset now. So that at the end of this year, you will be among those that will be achieving amazing result.
  9. SOCIALLIZE: Thereis need for proper balance in life. All works and no play makes you dull; so, SOCIALIZE with friends and family.
  10. Work, make money, buy things you need for yourself, love ones and others if you can. This will give you certain level of joy you never knew existed.
  11. If you want this year to be amazing make everyday count. Do not stay lazy, do not procrastinate. Have a plan; make every day, every week and every month count.

2024 will certainly be an amazing year; yes, it will be an amazing year. So, start now and make it count. Talk to you in my next BLOG POST .

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